Wednesday, November 3, 2010

For your consideration...

Inspired by my BFF, who had to deal with me in my sleep-deprived state for a long weekend, here are some warnings to heed if you are considering working full time, and attending 20 hours of pastry school at night:

1. You may arrive at work for an internet company without your laptop, only to realize that you've locked yourself out of your apartment. This may require you to rent a zipcar, drive to your parent's house in the 'burbs to get a spare set of keys to unlock your grown up apartment to retrieve your laptop to perform your job. En route to your home, after driving 4 blocks with the emergency brake on, you may then spill your much-needed coffee on your brand spankin' new $200+ Joie cream-colored blouse. Maybe.

2. You may not have time to do laundry, requiring you to go to Victoria's Secret in NYC (hopefully not the one that had the beadbugs) so you'll have underwear for the weekend. Maybe.

3. You may fall asleep 2.5 minutes into a much-anticipated evening of viewing '30 Rock'. After *insisting* you are awake after the first episode, you may promptly fall back asleep (probably while snoring). Maybe.

4. You may forget to fill your prescriptions, resulting in further craziness and general delayed responses in dinner conversations (sorry KK, Nora, Russ & Michelle).

5. While playing scrabble with a librarian's daughter/Scrabble master,  and a genius who got a 770 on his GMAT, you may spell 'deem' incorrectly and miscalculate the 4 points it would have received.

5. Your room may start to look like a war zone. And, even though you have no time to clean it anyway, you know your efforts will be futile cause it will return to its original state that evening;
Please pardon the undergarments. Jackie would be mortified , but it's kinda my signature. 

If raising children is anything like this in terms of sleep deprivation, you can count on my future as a purveyor of fine shoes and real estate. .

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